Euskadi - Iron Belt Memorial in Berango and the history of Captain Goicoechea


Trench and machine gun nest of the Iron Belt in Berango

Possibly you will know that during this year 2014 in several European countries the 50th anniversary of the beginning of the First World War.

The truth is that the great wars are part of our historical and cultural heritage, and that explains that many sites that have been battle scenarios, or large cemeteries, have become places of tourist interest.

Very near Bilbao, in the population of Berango of the Uribe region you can know the history of one of the key moments of the Spanish Civil War.

Aitor in a machine gun nest of the Iron Belt in Berango

Specifically, the history of the fortification that was installed around the city of Bilbao, which was called Iron belt.

The passion of people grouped in the Sancho de Beurko Association It is the engine that has led to the recovery of this moment of the Civil War, which has led to the creation in the aforementioned population of the Uribe region of the Iron Belt Memorial.

Iron Belt History

Aitor, one of the promoters of this association and councilor of Berango, tells us the history of the Iron Belt during the visit of interpretation Center.

Iron Belt Memorial in Berango in Uribe

If you are not knowledgeable about it, as was my case, I will tell you that to know the origin of Bilbao Iron Belt We must move the initial moment of the contest, when Franco's troops failed to occupy Madrid.

That led Franco to try to occupy the republican zone that had been isolated to northern Spain, specifically in part of Vizcaya and Guipúzcoa, Cantabria and Asturias.

Iron Belt Memorial in Berango in Uribe

In October 1936, Jose Antonio Aguirre, then president of the Basque autonomy and representative in Euskadi of the republican state, decided to build a great defensive line with a network of trenches and machine gun nests around the city of Bilbao, which became known as the Iron belt.

After its construction, finally on June 12, 1937, Franco's troops made an attack concentrating their forces on a specific point of the defensive line, and after two days of fighting, the Iron Belt was surpassed, which was the prelude to the surrender of the city of Bilbao.

Iron Belt Memorial

Now, in the Guided visits who organizes the Berango town hall, which begin at the headquarters of Iron Belt Memorial, through several thematic showcases and information panels, Aitor He will tell you in detail this story.

Iron Belt Memorial in Berango in Uribe

In addition, you can see many objects related to it, such as uniforms, weapons, weapons, period newspapers, etc ...

After finishing this visit, watching a short documentary made by the members of the association, a historical recreation of the environment lived in the trenches, the moment comes, undoubtedly, more interesting of it: climb a nearby mountain to explore the old trenches and See the remains of machine gun nests.

Iron belt in Berango in Uribe

Aitor warns you that you have to imagine a very different landscape, because now in the mountain you have to enter a lush eucalyptus forest, when in the era of Iron Belt the landscape showed the hills cleared of vegetation, which in theory would favor its defense.

In addition to touring the remains of trenches, you will see and enter the old machine gun nest Mendibi-Areneburu, the only one in the area has been preserved almost perfect, and one of the best preserved in the historic Iron Belt.

Aitor in a machine gun nest of the Iron Belt in Berango

I will tell you that this nest was saved in extremis from being demolished in the clearing work for the construction of the highway that runs through the nearby valley, which did not happen with other nests in the same area. In the end in this case the arguments to protect the historical heritage were imposed.

You will also know the curious story of captain Goicoechea, who, fighting with the republican army, went on to the Francoist side, to which he provided the necessary information to attack the Bilbao defensive line.

Said captain, in the postwar period, went to work in a company that, in the absence of iron in Spain, was dedicated to the recovery of the iron rods used in the construction of machine gun nests.

Trench in the Iron Belt in Berango

And most curiously, said captain was the famous engineerAlejandro Goicoechea, inventor of the pendular trainTalgo.

These Guided visits, including hiking through the mountains to see the trenches and the remains of machine gun nests, last about four hours and are free.

Of course, you must call in advance by phone (94 668 21 43) to ensure that the minimum group is formed to carry it out.


Video: Cinturón de hierro de Bilbao 12 Iron belt of Bilbao spanish civil war (April 2024).