The best travel insurance for New Zealand


If there is something important before making a trip to New Zealand, this is without a doubt, knowing that you are going to travel safely. And for that, nothing better than hiring the best travel insurance for New Zealand.
We know that this is something that is sometimes not valued and that for many represents a extra expense, but we assure you that if necessary, having the best travel insurance can save you a lot of problems and most importantly: save your life.
In addition to something not less important: a very considerable disbursement of money and more in New Zealand, one of the most expensive countries in the world, in which health is not precisely economic and any problem can represent a real headache and a mortgage forever.

It is for these reasons that we always recommend traveling with the best travel insurance for New Zealand, with which you can travel quietly and with the best travel companion, at a price that we are sure, will surprise you.

The best travel insurance for New Zealand

We know the feeling you have when you start looking for options travel insurance for New Zealand And you don't know where to start. They all seem the same to you and at times, the best solution seems to be to choose the first one you consult.
But this is not so. We advise you to take your time to see the characteristics of each of them, many times very different, and above all, choose the one that best suits your trip and your needs.

  • Which company do I choose and with what coverages ?: It is very important to know some information about the company with which you are going to hire your safe to travel to New Zealand In addition to having very clear coverage that it offers and that all are specified in the policy, before signing anything. This way you can be sure to travel with the best insurance.
  • Will I have to advance money if something happens to me ?: This is another feature of many insurances. You have to advance the money if you have any problem and then they, after sending all the documentation, refund the amount. For us this option is completely ruled out, since we have always looked for insurance that, from minute 1, pays for everything and we can forget about making any payment.

In this case, with Mondo travel insurance, you should never advance money. If you hire them travel insurance to New Zealand and at some point you need assistance you will never have to advance a penny. They take care of everything.

  • Contact information and service language: Another of the most important aspects in a good travel insurance for New Zealand is that this has someone who speaks your language if you suffer any mishap. This information must be indicated in the policy and in the event that in any country there is no one who speaks your language, it is important that you have the service of an interpreter.
    In addition to this, it is essential to see clearly in the policy, once hired, all the contact details of assistance. These are essential in case you need them and nothing better than taking them pointed in a safe and visible place.
  • Ease of contracting from the web: Although it may seem silly, that you can consult the data and coverage in a clear and transparent way, it is always indicative that you are facing a good travel insurance for New Zealand.
    For us, a website that is transparent, intuitive and clear, when hiring insurance, is an essential requirement when hiring international travel insurance.
  • Insurance amount: Although we do not think this is the most important aspect when hiring a cheap travel insurance for New Zealand, we do know that this is an important fact and that it can make you decide for a moment option or other.

That is why with Mondo this aspect will be only a minimum percentage of your trip and also, just for being our reader, you will have a 5% discount in your travel insurance.

And as we always try to speak from experience, we can tell you that we always travel insured with Mondo, that they have a super simple and intuitive platform, in which after answering several questions about your trip, you will see that they make a smart search, which will show you which insurance best suits your type of trip, making your choice of best travel insurance for New Zealand, be much easier, faster and above all, excellent.

You can check all the details of the travel insurance coverage to New Zealand in the article "the best travel insurance".

And after all the data, you may be wondering, but how much is the best travel insurance for New Zealand? We leave several examples, depending on the types of coverage so you can see that hire the best travel insurance for New Zealand It does not have to represent an important part of your budget, but quite the opposite.

  • Tranquility Journey: 41.79 euros per person With the 5% discount already applied for being a reader of Street Travelers already applied, for a 2-week trip to New Zealand.
  • TOP trip (most recommended option): Single 63.45 euros per person With the 5% discount already applied for being a Street Travelers reader already applied, for a 14-day trip to New Zealand.
  • PREMIUM trip (the best option for demanding travelers): 76 euros per person With the 5% discount already applied for being a Street Travelers reader, for a 2-week trip to New Zealand, with the maximum coverage of 500,000 euros included.

Best travel insurance prices for New Zealand

Remember that just for being a Street Travelers reader, you have a 5% discount on your travel insurance for New Zealand, plus 15% if you take out family or group insurance


Video: Essential Things To Know For Medical & Travel Insurance For New Zealand? (May 2024).